Friday, 29 November 2013

Progress during our adventure

It's been a long time since I posted on this blog but I figured it was time to start updating it more regularly.  I've been busy keeping up to date on my other blog.  We've been in England since September 2012, living our dream aboard a narrowboat on the English canals.  If you're interested, you can read about our adventures on the link at the top of this blog.

At the last 4-10 group I attended before we left, the girls had each chosen a fabric to contribute to my quilt.  I had so many pre-cut blocks in my suitcase when we came that they've kept me busy for a long time.  Now I'm needing to cut fabric again so I've made it my mission to use each of these fabrics over Winter.  Watch this space.

Below is the first block I made in England.  Mick took this photo for me to email to the 4-10 group last year November.  The second photo is my progress to date.